Quantum Optics

Quantum Optics

A Quantum Computer Blueprint

A large scale quantum computer is best constructed using a modular approach. Joining with researchers from the University of Sussex (UK), Google (USA), Aarhus University (Denmark) and RIKEN (Japan), we present the blueprint for an ion trap based scalable quantum…

Analog Quantum Simulation of a QED with Trapped Ions

The prospect of quantum-simulating lattice gauge theories opens exciting possibilities for understanding fundamental forms of matter. Together with colleagues from the University of Innsbruck (Austria), we show that trapped ions represent a promising platform in this context when simultaneously exploiting…

Ultrasensitive Single Atom Magnetometer

Precision sensing, and in particular high precision magnetometry, is a central goal of research into quantum technologies. For magnetometers, often trade-offs exist between sensitivity, spatial resolution, and frequency range. In a collaboration with theorists from Huazhong University of Science and…

Isospaced linear ion strings

We describe the statical and dynamical properties of ions stored in segmented electrodynamical Paul traps with a uniform ion separation. This specific ion arrangement is achieved by a smooth anharmonic effective potential generated by suitable voltages applied to segmented dc…