The realization of a quantum computer requires interdisciplinary efforts in the field of basic research and engineering. That is why we organize a workshop in cooperation with Dr. Ing. Degenhardt from Forschungszentrum Jülich in the period from 23.04.19 to 26.04.19 in the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef.
Quantum computers, once available for widespread use, will revolutionize the ways we generate and use new knowledge – of fundamental scientific nature and for a wide range of applications. The quest for a scalable quantum computer is as of yet largely driven by experts in physics and in computer science. The challenges posed by this task, however, will necessarily require in addition dedicated and target-driven efforts in engineering. Vigorous innovative research and development in various fields of engineering will be pivotal for advancing successfully on the route towards a quantum computer, or quantum simulator, that is able of solving problems that, for all practical purposes, are intractable on classical computers. This workshop will bring together researchers already active at the forefront of this rapidly developing field, both from fundamental science and from engineering. It will put emphasis on implementations of quantum computing and quantum simulation using semiconductors, superconducting structures, and trapped atomic ions as physical systems.