Macroscopic Linear Trap
Since 2011, up to eight 171Yb+ ions we are able to trap in a linear chain in this macroscopic setup. We use a static magnetic gradient along the trap axis to implement qubits at the hyperfine level of the ions and address them individually with microwave radiation. We cool the ions to near 0 K using laser and microwave radiation [Mo, 2017], interact with the qubits using microwave radiation without addressing other qubits [Piltz, 2014] and can thus realize quantum gates [Khromova 2012; Barthel, 2023, Nünnerich, 2024; Huber, 2023] and quantum algorithms [Piltz 2016, Mo, 2019; Huber, 2021]. In future experiments, we will also focus on the systematic characterization of quantum gates and the effect of external disturbances on them.
MIQRO/ATIQ Surface Trap
This experiment is a room temperature equivalent for the larger cryostatic setups for the ATIQ and MIQRO projects. The idea is to evaluate experimental ideas and new trap designs. The current chip features two new ideas, one of which is an on chip microwave antenna to generate the radiation needed to control our qubits and the other are integrated micromagnets under the chip surface.

MIQRO/ATIQ Quantum Demonstrators
MicroQC Surface Trap
In this lab, we are developing a microfabricated ion trap chip designed for quantum information processing using dressed-state qubits. The chip integrates a microwave resonator that creates a magnetic field gradient, enabling precise qubit addressing and coupling. The benefit of this approach is that magnetic field insensitive states can be used to store qubit information which should boost coherence times. Also no additional coils or permanent magnets are needed to create the magnetic field gradient.