Quantum Optics

Quantum Optics

Pioneers in Quantum Computing

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung reported in the article “Quantentechnologien in NRW” about the current research projects throughout NRW. At the University of Siegen, in the research group of Prof. Dr. Christof Wunderlich, the first German quantum computer was put into operation in…

Quantum Futur Award 2020

We congratulate Christian Piltz who was honoured for his PhD work by receiving the nationwide Quantum Future Award of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research! PhD thesis:Maßgeschneiderte Spin-Spin-Kopplung und Quanten-Fouriertransformation mit gespeicherten Yb Ionen in einem Magnetfeldgradienten Publications:A trapped-ion-based quantum…

Computational art with quantum tricks

From September 16 to 21, 2019, the highlights of physics in Bonn focused on how current physics research succeeds in making the invisible visible. The heart of the science festival under the motto “Show yourself” was an interactive exhibition on…