Insights on Quantum Dynamics in Magnetic Field Gradients

Novel ion traps that employ magnetic gradient fields allow for the application of conditional quantum logic, the essential prerequisite for quantum computing, by the use of radio-frequency radiation that can be generated by off-the-shelf electronics.

We show that the Hamiltonian describing the necessary couplings in the presence of a resonant dynamic gradient, is identical, in a dressed state basis, to the Hamiltonian in the case of a static gradient. The coupling strength is in both cases described by the same effective Lamb-Dicke parameter.
Our insights can be used to overcome demanding experimental requirements when using a dynamic gradient field for state-of-the-art experiments with trapped ions, for example, in quantum information science.
At the same time, we show new experimental perspectives by way of using a single dynamic gradient field, inducing long-range coupling, for conditional multi-qubit dynamics.